
hosted  by  dahlia  stroud









'Stressed But Well Dressed': Why clothes can boost your confidence and improve your mindset, to set you up for success. Each episode tells a new story of how what you wear influences how you feel, and how finding the right clothes for you can contribute to your success.

 Dahlia is joined by a weekly guest to discuss how they use their style as a way to shape their identity and personal brand. Guests include an actress, an engineer, a psychologist, a fashion designer, an author, business founders and Barbie!

Dahlia’s guests reflect on how clothes have influenced how they feel and at times been fundamental to their success. 

The podcast conversations share useful advice for listeners on how to build your confidence, develop your resilience and use clothing as a way to set you up for success.

Because we all get dressed every day!

 Did you know that clothing can directly impact our psychological state and our performance? We attach a symbolic meaning to the clothes in our wardrobe and the persona they help us adopt. Does an item of clothing invoke a certain psychological state because of the symbolism we attach to it, we feel corporate in a suit, sporty in a athleisure and festive in sequins. What we choose to wear influences our mood, our performance. This is called ‘Enclothed Cognition’ and was researched by Dr Adam Galinksy and his colleagues Hajo Adam and Joshua D. Margolis at Northwestern University.

The research looks not only at the symbolic meaning of clothing but how people use clothing to self-reflect and to uplift their mood to increase their positivity. Creating our own way of feeling well dressed we are directly aiming to alleviate our stress –

Whether we realise it or not.

About Dahlia:

Dahlia started ‘Stressed But Well Dressed’ in 2023 as an opportunity to tell stories through the symbolism of what we wear. The combination of her love for clothes and her research looking at identity, culture and behavioural psychology was the driving force behind the concept of the podcast. Through her work she is determined to reinforce the belief that the concept of ‘well dressed’ is about mindset not about trends or fashion and that confidence, courage and clothing are intrinsically linked.

Dahlia’s professional experience extends across roles in both retailers and within the food supply base having worked in Nestle, ASDA and Co-op. As a commercial leader, Dahlia has played an active role in developing commercial strategies to deploy across retail, wholesale and digital channels and understands how to target customers to deliver commercial performance. Her focus has included managing and developing retailer/supplier relationships and developing product propositions in both new and emerging markets. Dahlia has managed large scale transformation improving the customer offer and managing process change. She is practiced as a public speaker having led supplier conferences and managing internal stakeholders often at board level. 

Dahlia has conducted extensive research on how to create an organisational culture where individuals and teams can thrive. Her work in this space looks at the tools, motivational support and organisational environment teams require to deliver business benefit and the actions required to achieve this. Within this Dahlia’s specific focus has been on the role that inclusion plays in an organisational environment enabling organisations to understand how to create a sustainable culture of inclusion.

As a member of the Chartered Institute of Management, Dahlia is accredited as a Chartered Manager recognised as having exceptional leadership and management skills and demonstrating a dedication to continuous learning and development. This focus on learning and development is supported by her approach to coaching and developing both individuals and teams.

In addition to her professional work, Dahlia sits on the Board for Leeds Jewish Housing Association and plays an active role in supporting Leeds University through their Leaders in Residence programme within the Business School and as a coach within the Michael Beverley Innovation programme which supports academic colleagues across the university.
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